7 foods to avoid in a colon cancer diet
Proper nutrition is essential for your health but knowing what to eat when you have cancer is especially important. When you have colon cancer the foods you eat and the foods you avoid are even more critical since they may enhance treatment outcomes and significantly improve your quality of life.
Here are seven foods to avoid if you have colon cancer:
1. Foods high in sugar – Foods with simple sugars such as sweets desserts candy and sweetened drinks provide little nutrition and may be taking the place of more nutritious foods like fruits vegetables and lean meats. Eating high sugar foods also contributes to obesity which is a significant risk factor for colon cancer.
2. Foods high in saturated fat – Foods that are high in saturated fat include pork lamb high-fat dairy like butter and many processed snack foods. Research has found that eating a diet low in saturated fat may help improve treatment outcomes. Most doctors recommend you get your fats from healthier monounsaturated sources like olive and canola oil and that you try to eat more omega 3 fatty acids which are fats found in fish nuts and seeds and are good to include in your colon cancer diet.
3. Fried foods – Greasy fried foods and fast foods can aggravate symptoms of colon cancer and worsen side effects such as nausea vomiting and diarrhea associated with chemotherapy. These heavy fatty foods can be difficult to digest and may remain in your stomach for a long time increasing your risk for painful acid reflux as well.
4. Carbonated beverages – Carbonated fizzy drinks and sodas can worsen symptoms of nausea and gas. The extra sugars can contribute to obesity because these empty calories have little or no nutritional value and can lead to unwanted weight gain.
5. Caffeine – Caffeine can aggravate symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea. It can increase the production of acid in your stomach which may lead to acid reflux heartburn and difficulty swallowing. Also caffeine may worsen insomnia which can be a side effect of chemotherapy.
6. Alcohol – When you have colon cancer avoid drinking alcohol or drink it only rarely. Alcohol may interact with medicines you are taking such as pain medication and can contribute to dry mouth aggravate throat pain and cause difficulty swallowing. Drinking alcohol can also lead to acid reflux and heartburn.
7. Cured and processed meat – In 2015 the World Health Organization classified processed meats a carcinogen and recommended that people limit or avoid eating them. Bacon cold cuts and meat spreads may contain chemicals that are unfriendly to the lining of your colon. If you have colon cancer your colon is already sensitive and these meats may only aggravate any symptoms you are already experiencing.
When you have cancer your food choices are even more important. Living with colon cancer is difficult but building a healthy diet that helps you feel better doesn’t have to be. For more information contact Reid Health today and let us help you create a healthy eating plan for you.