Allergy Care
AboutReid Allergy
Allergies are now affecting a growing segment of the population, including many children. Identifying the specific allergy is extremely important to ensure proper treatment. At our office, we provide a testing regimen, which indicates the extent of your allergies and the best treatment plan available.
Jason Casselman, DO is a certified Allergist and Immunologist. Our allergy clinic specializes in testing for inhalant allergies and other more severe allergic diseases. Examples of inhalant allergies include pet, plant and food allergies. Allergists manage far more allergic disease than just nasal, food and eye allergies. Allergists can treat the full spectrum of inhalants and foods, to drugs and venoms. Other specific antigens can be tested if desired (depending on your environment).
Symptoms of Allergies
Allergies are often mistaken as signs of a common cold, flu or other illness. These symptoms can include:
- Runny nose
- Nasal congestion
- Post-nasal drip with clearing of throat
- Coughing sneezing, & sniffling
- Dark circles under eyes, itchy and/or watery eyes
- Headaches
- Rashes, hives, & eczema
- Asthma
- Excessive fatigue

Allergy Services
- Skin testing for inhalent allergies
- Treatment of allergic rhinitis
- Treatment of conjunctivitis
- Eosinophilic esophagitis
- Immunotherapy
- Contact dermatitis
- Food allergies
- Drug allergies
- Venom allergy/hypersensitivity
- Asthma (includes in-office spirometry)
- Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- Urticaria
Allergy Resources
What to expect at your first visit.
Allergy & Asthma Testing
Allergy Treatment Options
How do allergy shots work?
Request an Appointment Reid Allergy
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