The Reid Health Richmond Nurse Honor Guard Program
The Reid Health Richmond Nurse Honor Guard was established in 2023 with the goal of recognizing any nurse for their dedication to nursing at the end of their life.
The Nurse Honor Guard will:
- Attend all services wearing the traditional nurse uniform, cap and cape
- Stand guard at the casket and provide a presence at the service(s)
- Recite the Nightingale Tribute at the funeral or memorial service
- Present the Florence Nightingale lamp to the family
- Perform the Last Call of Duty
The service is provided at no charge to the family of any nurse in the Reid Health service area, who was a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, nurse anesthetist, licensed practice nurse, active or retired, in good standing the with Board or Nursing.
In addition to the services above, if a nurse is at the end of his or her life, the honor guard can provide a living tribute and honor them before their passing.

A Nurse's Prayer

Give me strength and wisdom, when other need my touch; a soothing word to speak to them, their hearts yearn for so much.
Give me joy and laughter, to life a weary soul; pour in me compassion, to make the broken whole.
Give me the gentle healing hands, for those left in my care; a blessing to those who need me, this is a nurse's prayer.