After an injury, shoulder pain exercises can help you resume your workout routine
When it comes to exercise consistency is key. However an injury can quickly interfere with your routine. If you’ve pulled or strained a muscle in your shoulder shoulder pain exercises can help you stay fit while supporting the healing process.
The shoulder is one of the most complex joints in the human body. Four muscles three bones and numerous tendons all work together to provide stability and allow you to move rotate and lift your arm. Many activities — from sports to work-related repetitive motions — can lead to a pulled or strained shoulder muscle.
If you injure your shoulder it’s important to check with your doctor or an orthopedist and make sure the issue isn’t something more serious. If your doctor tells you it’s a sprain strain or pulled muscle they may advise a few days of rest to allow it to heal. Once your doctor gives you the OK add some low-impact shoulder pain exercises to your routine to help with the healing process.
Gently stretch your shoulders
The Mayo Clinic recommended regular stretching as a way to maintain flexibility and reduce the chances of reinjuring your shoulder. To stretch the shoulder muscles on your back use your right arm to pull your left arm across your body. Hold it in place for 10 seconds then release before repeating three to five times. Switch arms and repeat the same process.
Stretch the shoulder muscles on the front of your body by bending your elbows with your upper arms at your sides. Then pull back your elbows to squeeze your shoulder blades together. Release and repeat three to five times.
Try body weight lateral raises
Start by standing upright with good posture and your arms at your sides. Raise one arm out to the side until it’s parallel to the floor. Slowly lower your arm back down and repeat three to five times. Switch arms and repeat the movement for the other side. Livestrong noted that this exercise is a good way to build strength within your rotator cuff. As your shoulder muscles grow stronger you can consider adding small hand weights to further improve your strength.
Perform external rotations
Start by lying down on the side opposite your injured shoulder. Bend the elbow of your injured arm so that your it’s resting at your side and your forearm is on your abdomen. Make a fist with your hand and raise it toward the ceiling while keeping your elbow on your side. Slowly lower your hand and repeat this motion 10 times. Healthline suggested adding a weight and increasing reps as the motion becomes easier.
Simple shoulder pain exercises can improve your strength and help you maintain a consistent workout routine after an injury. As long as your doctor says it’s OK start with basic shoulder workouts to begin the healing process.
Image source: Flickr