Benefits of microdermabrasion
As people age many different factors can take a toll on the skin sometimes resulting in an older appearance according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Sun exposure poor diet alcohol consumption and even smoking can lead to dullness or irregular pigmentation. Fine lines and wrinkles can also develop due to repetitive face movements and reduced collagen in the skin.
Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that can help reduce these manifestations of aging with a brief relatively painless treatment. The following details on the benefits of microdermabrasion can help you decide if this treatment is right for you.
What’s microdermabrasion?
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons provided an informative animation that walks viewers through the microdermabrasion process. Essentially the microdermabrasion machine pumps out crystals that are quickly sucked back into the device. These crystals remove the upper layer of your skin through a process described by the animation as similar to “sandblasting.” The appearance of your skin will improve as this upper layer — the stratum corneum — is removed.
The procedure takes about 30 minutes and requires no anesthetic. Pricing varies depending on the type of microdermabrasion skill level of the practitioner and other factors but Reid Health offers this treatment starting at affordable prices.
There are different types of microdermabrasion treatments including a crystal microderm with or without the crystals for a less invasive treatment. Some devices use Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) for an organic treatment option as well. Reid Health Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery also offers a wet microderm treatment that is less invasive. This treatment is incorporated in our Hydra Fracial treatment that uses a solution during the exfoliation process the skin is infused with serums afterwards which leaves the skin hydrated.
Benefits of microdermabrasion
The AAD suggested microdermabrasion as a treatment for conditions that affect the overall appearance of your skin such as uneven skin tone a dull complexion spots that appear with age pregnancy mask (or melasma) and residual pigmentation left behind from acne. It is also good for texture clogged pores and helps with mild acne scars. It is a nice effective way to restore a clear youthful glow to the skin.
There isn’t downtime after the treatment and it doesn’t carry the same risks associated with some other procedures. However because it’s less invasive it also may not be able to reduce the appearance of dark pigment or deeper wrinkles. A nurse practitioner and licensed skin care professional at Revive Spa and Skincare can design a specific course of treatment to address your personal needs.
A word about home kits
There are a number of commercially available kits creams and scrubs that use the term “microdermabrasion.” They can range from a $20 handheld wand to a several hundred dollar mega-machine. Each claims that it can give you professional results in the comfort of your own home for a fraction of the cost. These machines vary significantly in their effectiveness maintenance requirements durability cleanliness and cost.
A home kit may seem convenient but it also means working without the expertise of a licensed professional who knows how to properly treat your skin to give you the best result. A professional can also make personalized recommendations to keep you looking healthier and more vibrant. Working with a professional will also allow you the reassurance that you’re getting the best for your face without any of the limitations of a home device.
If you’re interested in the benefits of microdermabrasion contact us or request an appointment to discuss your goals for healthier radiant skin.
Image source: Flickr