Choosing a new workout plan
There are many fitness programs out there claiming to be superior but which is really the best for you? Here's what you should consider when choosing a new workout plan:
What exercises will work best with your current health state?
You may have watched an exercise video that displays a cautionary message about consulting with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. According to Harvard Medical School most people are healthy enough for some kind of physical activity but individuals who suffer from an uncontrolled medical condition such as heart disease asthma diabetes osteoporosis dizzy spells or instability on their feet should discuss options with their personal physician. Even with these conditions there may be activities that you can do and your physician will be able to advise you on which activities would be best.

There are many new workout plan options to choose from and focusing on what you'd like to do is more sustainable than activities you dislike. Hiking with friends getting your pump on at the gym finding your center with a yoga class dancing for cardio or swimming laps can be enjoyable parts of your exercise plan. Harvard Medical School recommended choosing a mix of activities that cover four essential aspects of exercise which include aerobic exercise strength training and developing flexibility and balance. If your exercise plan is a buffet of engaging activities it'll be easy to make fitness an enjoyable part of your daily routine.
How will you make time to exercise?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explained the barriers to physical activity and how to overcome them. A significant barrier can be finding the time when life has so many demands. However it can help to keep an activity journal during the week and see if there's a 30-minute window somewhere that could be used for exercise. Also do small things throughout the day. This can mean parking further away so you have to walk further or even taking the stairs. Make your exercise program a priority by setting time aside for it swapping babysitting with friends waking up a few minutes earlier or staying up later.
What are your fitness goals?
Your exercise plan should help you achieve your fitness goals while improving your overall health. Your fitness goals don't always have to focus on the number on the scale. You may want to control your blood sugar strengthen your muscles or increase your endurance and flexibility. Although no matter what your goals Harvard Medical School recommended individuals maintain a mix of aerobic and strength exercises.
The important part of choosing a new workout plan is choosing one that you'll participate in safely throughout the year. With time and effort you'll reap the many benefits of regular physical activity.