5 tips for working out at home
Strength training at the gym or taking a class at a fitness studio is great, but sometimes, you just aren't able to get to the gym or prefer to get in your workout at home—or on vacation, or on a work trip, or wherever you may be. While most of us don't have round-the-clock access to a full gym stocked with weights and machines, the truth is that you really can work your entire body without them.
The 5 workout tips below challenge your entire body and don't require a single piece of equipment.
1.Squeeze it in. Even if you don't have thirty minutes to dedicate to a workout all at once, workout in ten minute increments throughout the day. Try doing 20 squats, 20 lunges, 20 pushups, and 20 sit-ups between doing your daily chores. This can easily add up to 30 minutes of exercise for the day!

2.Get your kids involved. Have them join you in pushups, squats, or create a backyard obstacle course. Here are some other great ideas for kids:
- Mountain Climbers: Get into a push-up position; alternate bringing your knee to your elbow. You can do same side connections, or crisscross. The idea is to move fast and work up a sweat!
- Bear Crawls: Palms and feet flat on the floor. Arch your back so you look like a bear. Race your kids across the room. Add some fun by having a competition! Who can "roar" the loudest?
- Star Jumps: Kids love these! Stand tall and explosively jump into the air, expanding your legs and your arms so that you look like a large "X" in the air. At the height of the jump, exclaim: "I'm a STAR!"
- Push Ups: Straightforward and to the point. Drop to your knees if you need a modification due to limited mobility.
- Sit Ups: Another classic! Option: Tuck your toes under the sofa if you need a bit of support, or ask your kids to hold your feet and vice versa.
a window. The fresh air will be good for you. It will also give you some
motivation to get moving. Fresh air has been shown to help digest food more
effectively, improve blood pressure and heart rate, strengthen the immune
system, reduce obesity rates, and strengthen family ties—all leading to a
healthier you!
your body weight. There are dozens of body weight exercises you can do to
get your blood pumping. Pushups, burpees, squats, lunges, sit-ups, planks,
mountain climbers, jumping jacks, and dips, to name a few. For great body
weight workout, try this 10-minute routine from Self Magazine. You have two
minutes to complete:
- 5 Burpees
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Plank Jacks
- 20 Jump Squats
Rest during the time
remaining. Repeat 5x.
5. Have a great music playlist. Nothing gets you moving better than some good music! Many apps are free to download and you can create a playlist geared for your style of workout. The best free music apps are: Pandora, Deezer, Amazon Music, and YouTube.