How can you prepare for a natural birth?
If you’re having a baby you may opt to have an epidural to help manage pain but you might also plan on a “natural birth” — one without pain medication.
What is a natural birth?
The general definition of “natural childbirth” is a vaginal labor and birth with limited medical intervention. There are a number of choices that can encompass a natural childbirth including water soaks alternative positions and other less invasive pain control options.
How can you prepare for natural childbirth?
An important part of preparation is finding a supportive birth practitioner noted Parents magazine. Discuss your plans with your provider and ask them to let you know if they’re hesitant about any aspect of your plan suggests Thomas Duncan D.O. with Reid OB-GYN.
Another key is to learn natural pain management techniques. What To Expect. During your pregnancy explore and experiment with massage therapy relaxation and breathing exercises as well as aromatherapy or hydrotherapy — a method of relieving labor pain that will be introduced soon in the Reid Health Family Birthing Center. Practicing some of these with your partner ahead of time means those skills will be there when you need them during labor and you can see what works and what doesn’t.
You may consider hiring a birth doula suggested Parents magazine. A doula is a birth professional who’s basically your own personal labor support coach helping you through the birth process.
Should you try hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is another option for pain relief during labor. The American Pregnancy Association said that hydrotherapy reduces stress allowing your natural endorphins to reduce pain. Water can help relax your perineum potentially reducing tears. Buoyancy improves the efficiency of contractions and your blood circulation helping reduce pain and providing the baby with more oxygen. Check with your health care provider to determine what’s best.
While your goal may be to have a natural birth there might be issues during labor or delivery that require medical intervention. It’s important to listen to all options laid out by your health care provider. Know that plans for birth can go awry. Being flexible with your plan is helpful and it can be a beautiful and empowering event no matter how it occurs.
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