Pediatric therapy: Play with an important purpose
Play is an important part of how children learn and grow.
When children aren't meeting developmental milestones, pediatric therapy
services can be very useful. Pediatric therapy uses focused playtime activities
to help children develop functional skills in a safe, cheerful environment.
Therapists also work with children and their families on adaptive skills to
help build independence and enhance quality of life at home, school, and in the
Sessions occur in person and parents/caregivers are provided education to support their child's progress at home.
4 types of pediatric therapy
Children attend pediatric therapy for different reasons.
Some may need help with socialization, processing outside stimulation, moving
their bodies, language and communication, eating safely, or a combination of
these issues. Addressing these conditions requires specific expertise from trained
These four types of care are offered during pediatric
- Occupational
therapy focuses on building
skills related to the activities of daily living. Children may have issues
with sensory processing,
vision challenges, deficits in motor development and coordination, or
difficulties with executive functioning and cognition. Occupational
therapists develop enjoyable activities and exercises that strengthen the
skills and adaptive behaviors children need to interact with their
environment and play, learn, and socialize with others.
2. Physical therapy focuses on evaluating and treating developmental, neurological, and genetic conditions that affect balance, strength, motor skills, and coordination. Pediatric physical therapists work on gross motor skills — activities that use large muscle groups, such as rolling, crawling, climbing, skipping, and jumping — to help children reach their developmental milestones.
Reid Health also offers a Social Thinkers Group that combines fun movement and language-building activities to help children practice the foundational social skills needed to successfully communicate with others; share, play, and work as a team; and take on leadership roles.
To find pediatric therapy conveniently located near you,
request more information, or make an appointment, visit Reid
Health Pediatric Therapy.