Perioperative clinic: Why to consider one before surgery
If you’re scheduled for surgery no doubt you’d like the procedure to go smoothly. Chances are you’re also open to anything that will encourage a successful outcome. It’s often a good idea to consider the benefits of visiting a perioperative clinic.
Such clinics are designed to assess whether there are any underlying health problems that could affect your surgical outcome. The evaluation which often includes laboratory testing helps ensure that your body is ready for surgery.
Reducing undiagnosed medical risks
Most people who have surgery experience no problems. In some cases however complications arise because of unexpected medical problems. Undiagnosed medical conditions that could cause trouble during and after surgery include high blood pressure/hypertension anemia diabetes heart conditions and temporary illnesses such as kidney or bladder infections.
To ensure the best possible outcome surgeons may suggest or require a trip to a perioperative clinic. Such clinics are a relatively new feature in many hospitals and medical centers. Reid Health is one of a few medical systems nationwide that feature a dedicated Perioperative Clinic. Reid’s state-of-the-art clinic uses the latest technology and science to determine if patients are at optimum health for surgery.
Different from standard pre-operative testing
If you’ve had surgery in the past you may have had testing prescribed by your surgeon followed by a preoperative consultation with the doctor or nursing staff.
The perioperative visit is a bit different. First it will most likely be a more thorough examination. Keep in mind that the process is meant to protect your health and help ensure that your surgery is successful and that you heal quickly.
What to expect at your perioperative clinic visit
To help you prepared for your clinic visit here is what you may expect during your appointment. A clinic physician or nurse is likely to ask you a whole host of questions. These are designed to detect any health conditions you may have. Questions that could pinpoint health conditions include:
- Have you had prior surgeries?
- Do you have any major medical conditions such as heart attack murmur or stroke?
- Do you have diabetes?
- Do you have thyroid disease?
- Do you snore frequently and loudly or have sleep apnea symptoms?
- Do you often experience daytime drowsiness?
- Do you smoke?
- Do you have allergies to any medications?
At home functioning assessed
You will also be asked detailed questions about how well you function at home. These questions allow the doctor to determine any potential risks you could experience during and after surgery. The questions also help the staff determine how much assistance you’ll need once you return home after surgery. Some potential questions about your daily functioning include:
- Can you easily walk around your home; including up and down any stairs?
- Can you bathe yourself?
- Can you clean your home?
- Can you participate in any regular exercise?
- Can you walk a block or two in your neighborhood on level ground?
In addition to questions you will be prescribed various tests including blood tests.
Receiving clearance for surgery
Once all of your lab tests are completed and returned to the peri-operative clinic your doctor and surgeon will review the results. At that time they will determine if you’re ready for surgery or if there are additional health problems that require attention. You will be informed of your pre-operative test results as well.
Perioperative clinics are a valuable medical benefit designed to promote your health and well-being. Visiting one is a good first step to ensure that you’re ready for surgery and that you’ll make your way through the procedure as easily and successfully as possible.