Our GEMS: Staff going the extra mile

Many of our patients and families express deep appreciation for the care they or a loved one received at Reid Health. Often, they wonder how they can say "thank you" in a special way to someone who has cared so much… the one who was their GEM.
These nominations from patients and from staff become a pool of great stories that illustrate the willingness of our team members to Go the Extra Mile on behalf of patients and families. Each month, a GEM is celebrated in our ceremonies where we also celebrate employees with five or more years with us.
Nominate someone using this form; see the stories below of GEMs celebrated so far this year.
Recognize a GEM
March 2025: Lynette D., Reid Inpatient OR
Lynette D., Reid Inpatient OR, went to the Gingko Boutique and bought a pair of stretchy pants with her own money for a patient who had accidently soiled her pants and didn't have an extra pair to wear.
February 2025: Aubree H., Material Processing
Aubree H., Material Processing, was working on 4 East when she was approached by a patient's wife. The patient had been at the hospital for four days after having emergency surgery with another surgery still to come. The patient was wanting a Coke but the Café at Twelve Hundred doesn't sell Coke products. Aubree went to The Market on the lower level and bought four Cokes for the patient using her own money. This kind act made the wife very happy.
January 2025: Heather J., Patient Continuum of Care
Heather J., Patient Continuum of Care, made a home visit to a patient who was recently discharged. The patient is blind and hadn't had any food in her home to eat in three days. Heather helped the patient apply for SNAP benefits, got her enrolled in Meals on Wheels, and then used her own money to buy food so the patient would have something to eat in the meantime.
December 2024: Greg B., Reid EMS Ambulance
A co-worker received news their dad was being sent to the Emergency Department by ambulance from his primary care provider. The patient was in severe kidney failure and at high risk for going into cardiac arrest. Without hesitation, Greg B., Reid EMS Ambulance, volunteered to finish the 12 hours remaining of the co-worker's shift so they could be with their father. "Thank you, Greg, for demonstrating what our normal expectations are and 'going the extra mile' beyond your regular duties to help me out," the co-worker said.
November 2024: Dawn L., Pediatric Rehabilitation Services
Dawn L., Pediatric Rehabilitation Services, was working with twins who had been diagnosed with failure to thrive and had been hospitalized for weight loss. After a couple visits, she noticed the infants had ties in their mouths and recommended immediate treatment. From the twins' mother: "That moment changed their lives. It saved my girls from G-tubes and saved my sanity and my marriage. They are currently thriving thanks to Dawn. When I was feeling down about the stress of my twins' diagnoses, I always felt a little better after being with Dawn. We are so blessed Dawn was placed in our lives. I owe the health of my children to her!"
October 2024: Hannah H., RHPA Administration
On her time off, Hannah H., RHPA Administration, was visiting a
family member at the hospital. As Hannah was leaving, she saw a patient who had
been in a car accident and was brought to the hospital by ambulance. The
patient was in pain and didn't have her phone, keys, purse, or a way home.
Hannah approached the ED staff and let them know she was an employee in search
of information to find a family member who could pick up the patient. Hannah then
took the patient to the Reid Pharmacy and paid for her prescriptions out of her
own pocket. Hannah showed so much compassion and respect for this patient and
didn't leave her side until the patient's daughter was able to pick her up.
September 2024: Jessica Y., Hospice OP Services
A patient's spouse called asking about a bill he'd received for his late wife. Jessica Y., Hospice OP Services, was able to help him understand the billing process. He later came into the office to thank Jessica personally for the time she took to explain everything. He expressed his gratitude over and over. He also asked to speak with her in private and asked her how he's supposed to "live life alone." Jessica -- who herself has lost a spouse -- offered suggestions, including attending the grief support groups that are part of our bereavement services. This was an A+ example of going the extra mile to support the families we serve.
August 2024: Johna C., Patient Continuum of Care
Johna C., Patient Continuum of Care, went the extra mile to connect a patient to the care she needed. Johna was working with a patient who was 38 weeks pregnant and had not been seen by her OB/GYN in two months. While Johna had the patient on the phone, she called the Perinatal Navigator on her cell phone and got the patient an appointment that same day. When the patient said she didn't have gas money to get home from the appointment, Johna reached out to her team and found a resource offering a gas card that would provide enough fuel for more than one appointment. Johna left work, picked up the gas card, and took it to the OB/GYN office for the patient. The patient then was connected with a resource to help her with future transportation.
July 2024: Cindy N., Environmental Services
Cindy N., Environmental Services, uses her talents to put a smile on the faces of our chemo and infusion patients. Cindy creates crochet pocket hugs, crochet hearts with the saying, "Pocket Hug -- This little heart is full of love and hugs so keep it close, squeeze it tight, and know that you are loved." The patients love these. Thank you so much, Cindy, for taking the time to create such a sweet little present for the patients.
June 2024: Chris B., Information Technology
Chris B., Information Technology, displayed exceptional dedication and expertise during a critical Kronos system migration. Faced with an unexpected change in the project, Chris didn't flinch. He committed himself fully over the weekend, working tirelessly from Friday through Sunday night, carefully ensuring every part of the system was working perfectly. A last-minute hiccup with the outpatient physician timeclocks didn't stop him. He personally visited each offsite location to fix the clocks, making sure everything was ready for a smooth start on Monday morning. Chris' commitment to excellence and his ability to rise to any challenge make him a true GEM in our organization.
May 2024: Lyndsey P., Radiology
A patient needed oral prep for a CT scan, but he lived out of town and couldn't pick it up. Lyndsey P., Radiology, offered to drop it off at the patient's home to save him a trip to the hospital and time on the day of his test. The patient was grateful for Lyndsey going out of her way because he recently had severe damage to his home from a tornado. Lyndsey definitely went above and beyond to make this patient have the best experience possible.
April 2024: Dakota B., Information Technology Operations
Dakota B., Information Technology Operations, was working as the Service Desk Agent on duty during the storm on March 14. As the hospital first prepared for the possibility of tornados in the area then for incoming patients from Winchester, Dakota sought out staff on the floor to offer his help in any way he could, without a second thought or having to be asked. Dakota went beyond his regular IT duties and showed a dedication of care to our patients, our caregivers, and our communities.