Melanoma detection: The ABCDE rule
According to the Skin Cancer Foundation melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. As such it is important to know the signs of melanoma so you can catch it early and have it removed. Here are things you need to know about melanoma detection and what you should do if you find any suspicious growths on your skin.
How to check for melanoma
The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends that you perform skin checks once a month. During these self-checks you should look for any new or abnormal moles brown spots or growths. It's important that you examine your skin from head to toe including hard-to-see areas like your scalp and in between your toes. You can use a mirror to help you check these spots. If you're worried about forgetting to do your monthly self-check you should pick a day that's easy to remember (like the 15th of every month) and mark it on your calendar or schedule a reminder on your phone or computer.
As you perform your self-check remember the ABCDEs. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation the following are signs that your mole might be a melanoma:
According to the American Cancer Society skin cancer comes in many shapes and sizes but most melanomas will show one or more of these warning signs.
What you should do if you find something suspicious
If you find any suspicious moles spots or growths you should call your doctor or dermatologist right away. Early melanoma detection is crucial for successful treatment. According to the American Cancer Society "nearly all skin cancers can be treated effectively if they are found early."