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Meet your PACE Enrollment Specialist, Andrea Jarvis

Andrea's role at Reid Health PACE Center is to guide participants and their loved ones through the enrollment process. Andrea will be your point of contact in all enrollment steps and will guide you through pre-enrollment to approval.

Become a PACE Participant | Enrollment

Partnership with Your PACE Enrollment Specialist

The enrollment specialist will meet with you and your family or caregiver in your home to provide a detailed understanding of our program. We will also make sure that if you need help applying for Medicaid, the stress and burden are taken off of you and your loved ones.

The enrollment specialist will assess your eligibility, schedule a visit to the PACE Center where you'll meet our staff, and complete the rest of the needed assessments. Once the care plan and remaining paperwork are approved by our staff and the potential participant, enrollment will be completed and submitted to the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for final approval. Enrollment is voluntary, and you can leave the program at any time.

Steps as Part of the Enrollment Process


  • The enrollment specialist (ES) will go through a list of pre-screening questions to help determine if an individual qualifies for PACE.
  • If the individual meets certain criteria, a home visit by the ES will follow.

Enrollment Specialist Home Visit

  • The ES will do a home visit to continue the screening process and complete a level of care.
  • If a caregiver is involved regularly with the individual, the meeting should include them as well.

Home Care Coordinator/Occupational Therapist Home Visit

  • During this visit, the individual is assessed by the home care coordinator and the occupational therapist to determine the needs of the individual and if they can live safely in their environment while they're enrolled in the PACE program.

Tour of Facility and Last Assessments

  • During the time the individual comes in for their tour, additional assessments will be completed.
  • Assessments from a dietitian, physical therapist, recreational coordinator, provider, master's level social worker, and clinic nurse will need to be completed.
  • If an individual is unable to complete the assessments during the visit, a future clinic date or in-home date will be scheduled.

Preliminary Plan of Care/Finish Enrollment

  • Based on the assessments, a preliminary plan of care is developed and presented to the individual for approval.
  • If approved, the agreement to enroll is signed and the paperwork is submitted to CMS for approval.
  • Participation in the PACE program starts on the 1st of the month.

Downloadable Documents

Reid Health PACE Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about Reid Health PACE Center, we are here to help! Click the link below to view the frequently asked questions. Additionally, you can call PACE at (765) 935-8959 or TTY for the hearing impaired at (800) 643-2255.

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Reid Health PACE Center