Reid Health Auxiliary presents new record-breaking donation to Reid Health Foundation
Dec. 12, 2023 -- Reid Health Auxiliary, the Blue Brigade, continues a record-breaking trend with its largest donation ever to the Reid Health Foundation. This year's $404,347 donation will support eight areas of patient care.
John Herig presented
the donation at the auxiliary's December meeting, his last as board president.
"The auxiliary
is the largest cumulative donor to the foundation," Herig said. "We're very
fortunate to have people who are tuned in to patients' central issues."
The auxiliary
has surpassed its donation each year since 2018, this time topping the 2022
contribution by more than $4,180.

The auxiliary
raises money year-round with special sales and through the Ginkgo Boutique, the
hospital gift shop, which is wholly owned and operated by the auxiliary. All
proceeds from the gift shop and other activities are presented to the
foundation annually.
Since its
formation in 1948, the auxiliary has given nearly $5 million to the foundation. The
money is used to support patient care at Reid Health, including technology and
equipment needs. This year's funds will purchase a fetal monitor, infant
incubator, and motorized parallel bars for physical therapy, and provide support
for the AED program, Pediatric Cheer Fund, Choose Well at Home program, and more.
Troutwine, Reid Health Vice President/Reid Foundation President, thanked the
"We appreciate
your willingness to volunteer, hard work, and generosity. Your contributions of
your time and talent at Reid are valuable to our patients and staff, and we
need you here," Troutwine said. "Each of these programs funded reaches back to
our communities and are available to patients on the main campus as well as at
our regional facilities."
Auxiliary President-elect
Jim Spon applauded Herig's leadership. When Spon takes the reigns in January, he
hopes to equally challenge the auxiliary while exceeding its benchmarks. He
also will work to increase the number of volunteers.
"Volunteers are
an integral part of fulfilling Reid's mission," Spon said. "Volunteering is
very rewarding work, and we make a very real impact for Reid and our patients."
Herig will stay
on the board as past president and the at-large director of Pet Therapy. In 14
years, he's earned more than 1,000 hours of volunteer time. As president since
2019, his achievements include helping the auxiliary remain strong through the COVID-19
Additionally, Herig
developed the trained pet therapy dog program, which has grown from three teams
to 19. The pet therapy dog teams visit patients and guests to help reduce
feelings of stress and anxiety.
"When they arrive
at Reid, everyone's day is a little brighter. John has been a strong recruiter
for our volunteer program," said Shara Short, Reid's Volunteer Services
The auxiliary's officers for 2024 will include Spon as president, John Reddington as president-elect and recording secretary, Herig as past president, Pat Shuck as treasurer, Virginia Thompson as assistant treasurer, Becky Russell as assistant recording secretary, and Patsy Goble as corresponding secretary.
Auxiliary volunteers donate their time across Reid Health with some 140 active in various departments.
For information about volunteering at Reid,
visit reidhealth.org/volunteer-opportunities.