Physicians employed by Reid Health enjoy a complete medical and dental benefit package that compares well with other hospitals. Talk with one of our recruiters for more information.
Reid offers the following benefits:
- Health Care
- Medical Insurance
- Dental Insurance
- Vision Plan
- Tax Saver Program
- Disability
- Short-term Disability
- Long-term Disability
- Life Insurance
- Basic Life
- Supplemental Life
- Dependent Life
- Personal Accident
- Retirement
- Reid program
- Tax-sheltered Annuity
- Paid Days Off (PDO)
- Long-term Recognition
- Reid Pharmacy Program
- Adoption Assistance
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Employee Assistance Program
- Health Care Professionals Credit Union
- Direct Deposit
- Cafeteria Discounts
- Reid Employees’ Organization (REO)
- Wellness programs & activities