Eligibility for Certification
The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) is the only recognized certifying body for radiographers in the United States. To become a Registered Technologist in Radiography, RT(R)(ARRT), program graduates will have to successfully complete the ARRT examination. Students are encouraged to take the examination as soon as possible after graduation.
Registry examination candidates must comply with the “Rules of Ethics” contained in the A.R.R.T. Standards of Ethics, which can be found at www.ARRT.org. The rules of ethics are standards of minimally acceptable professional conduct for all presently Registered Technologists and applicants. The rules of ethics are intended to promote the protection, safety, and comfort of patients. Registered Technologists and applicants engaging in any of the conduct or activities noted in the rules of ethics, or who permit the occurrence of said conduct or activities with respect to them, have violated the rules of ethics and are subject to sanctions as described.
One issue addressed by the rules of ethics is the conviction of a crime, including a felony, a gross misdemeanor, or a misdemeanor with the sole exception of speeding and parking violations. All alcohol and/or drug related violations must be reported. Conviction as used in this provision includes a criminal proceeding where a finding or verdict of guilt is made or returned but the adjudication of guilt is either withheld or not entered, or a criminal proceeding where the individual enters a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. Convictions which have been expunged must be reported. All potential violations must be investigated by the A.R.R.T. in order to determine eligibility. Those who do not comply with the rules of ethics must supply a written explanation, including court documentation of the charges, with the application for examination.
Individuals who have violated the rules of ethics may file a pre-application with the A.R.R.T. in order to obtain a ruling of the impact on their eligibility for examination. The individual may submit the pre-application at any time before or after entry in an accredited educational program. This process may enable the individual to avoid the delays in processing the application for examination which is made at the time of graduation. The pre-application must be requested directly from the A.R.R.T. Submission of the pre-application does not waive the application for examination, the examination fee, the application deadline or any of the other application procedures.
According to Section 2.03 under Professional Education Requirements for Certification in the ARRT Rules and Regulations, candidates for certification must have earned an associate degree, baccalaureate degree, or a graduate degree from an institution accredited by a mechanism acceptable to the ARRT. The degree does not need to be in radiologic sciences. The degree may be earned before entering the professional educational program or after graduating from the program, or may be awarded by the program, but must be awarded prior to being granted eligibility to sit for the ARRT examination.
Students are highly encouraged to visit the website www.ARRT.org for a full evaluation of the ARRT Standards of Ethics.
1225 Northland Dr.
St. Paul, MN 55120-1155
Tel: (651) 687-0048