Indirect Supervision Policy
In the clinical setting, the following process will be implemented whenever a competent student attempts a procedure independently:
- The student must have previously completed the procedure to be done as a successful simulation and competency test-out.
- A qualified technologist will review the procedure to ensure it is not out of the student's scope of competence.
- The technologist, along with the student, will assess the patient to determine if the patient's condition is within the student's capabilities.
- The student may perform the procedure with indirect supervision, i.e. the technologist is immediately available upon verbal request.
- The technologist will evaluate the radiographic images with the student and then document the appropriate information on the requisition.
- If repeat radiographs are necessary, the technologist will review with the student the steps needed to correct the situation.
- The technologist will directly observe and, if necessary, assist the student in repeating the required views.
- Students involved with any radiographic procedure outside the Radiology Department always must be accompanied and directly supervised by the technologist.