Aquatic Therapy
Our aquatic therapy program can help with many different diagnoses: arthritis, pre/post-operative, total joint replacements, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and abnormal tone. While treatment can be done in a traditional pool as well, our state-of-the-art therapy pool offers the following key advantages:
- One-on-one care. No more competing with kids and lap swimmers - our aquatic therapy pool provides a private setting for your therapy session.
- No steps or stairs. The floor of our pool can be raised to deck level so that you can simply walk or be pushed in a wheelchair right out to the middle. The floor will slowly lower when you are ready to get wet.
- Controlled pool depth. Our therapists can customize the depth of the pool to maximize comfort and therapeutic effectiveness.
- Warmer temperatures. The average temperature for the aquatic pool is between 88 and 94 degrees, much warmer than traditional pools.
- Built-in treadmill. The floor of the pool is also a treadmill with speeds ranging from 0.1 to 8 mph.
- Customized resistance. Jets at the front of the pool can generate a 6 m.p.h. current to provide additional resistance to movement, increased difficulty, a current to swim against or a focal stream of current for aquatic massage.
- Underwater cameras. Cameras are mounted at the front and sides of the pool, allowing our therapists to view your motion without the distortion of looking down through the water. Your motion can also be recorded so that improvements can be shown over the course of treatment.
For more information on our physical therapy services, please feel free to contact us or call one of our outpatient rehab locations: Richmond (765) 983-3092; Eaton (937) 456-1195; or Connersville, (765) 827-7964.