Fractional Resurfacing
Fractional Resurfacing is a revolutionary noninvasive laser therapy designed to dramatically improve skin texture and pigmentation, including the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars and surgical scars, brown spots, melasma, and stretch marks without significant downtime.
Who is a good candidate for 1540/Fractional Resurfacing Laser treatment?
Men and women who want to even skin tones or improve pigmentation, anyone with fine lines, acne scars, surgical scars, brown spots, skin discoloration, Melasma, stretch marks, large visible pores, skin tightening, and anyone seeking overall skin rejuvenation.
How does this laser differ from our other lasers?
This laser delivers light to the skin through an array of high precision micro beams that penetrate the skin deep into the dermis. This creates narrow, deep columns of skin coagulation, surrounded by healthy, untreated skin. This causes the skin to repair itself by replacing old, sun damaged skin with new, younger, healthier skin. Fractional resurfacing with the 1540 Laser is much less invasive compared to ablative laser procedures, resulting in a faster recovery time.
Does it hurt?
Patients who have had this treatment describe the pain level as tolerable. The pain level can increase or decrease depending on the size and location of the treatment area. A cooling device is used to help make this treatment more comfortable.
How long does a treatment take?
The treatment can last up to 1 hour.
Will I need multiple treatments?
Yes, most people will need 3-5 treatments depending on the condition being treated. To maintain your results, it is recommended to do 4 treatments per year.
What can I expect during a treatment and how does a treatment work?
The laser is used to target columns of your skin which triggers your body's wound healing response. Your body will produce more collagen and elastin, creating toned, tightened, youthful, and hydrated looking skin. The laser is used with a cooling device to help minimize discomfort. A cooling mask can be applied when needed.
How long will my results last?
Expect to begin seeing results within 4 weeks for your body to produce collagen.
How long is the recovery period?
The recovery period will last 3-7 days depending on the treatment you received.
What are the side-effects?
The possible side-effect includes breakouts, welting, swelling, redness, and dryness of treated areas.
Who will be performing this treatment?
Our skincare specialists will be performing the treatment.
How much does this cost?
This laser treatment is available for $400 per treatment area. You will receive a more accurate cost by scheduling a consultation.