Telecardiology virtually links cardiologists with patients
Telecardiology is a Reid Telehealth service that allows expertly skilled cardiologists at Reid to conduct a physician-patient visit with patients who are not in the same exam room as the cardiologist. Instead, the patient is located at one of five Reid community physician practices, using high-definition, real-time two-way audio and video Telehealth technology.
Cardiac conditions, including but not limited to myocardial infarction and heart failure, traditionally require multiple visits for care and follow-up. Reid patients who have cardiac problems can now get access to a cardiology specialist through our Telecardiology service without having to travel all the way to Richmond, Indiana.
In the more rural communities served by Reid, patients who need non-emergency cardiology services often must arrange time away from work, secure a temporary caregiver while they are away from home, arrange transportation, and travel outside of their community to see a cardiologist. This is a burden on the patient and their families. Now, patients are able to access a cardiac specialist locally, without traveling to Richmond.
How does telecardiology work?
Telecardiology uses digital tools which allow the Reid cardiologist to perform a complete cardiology assessment for a patient at a remote location, including a digital stethoscope, exam camera, and EKG. The cardiologist is able to hear the patient’s heart and lung sounds, examine any incision sites, look for edema or other swelling, and review the patient’s EKG, even though the patient and cardiologist are not in the same exam room.
The cardiologist is supported by an on-site telepresenter, a trained healthcare professional who is with the patient, assisting with the examination. Once the exam is complete, the Reid cardiologist is able to create treatment plans and make recommendations. The Telehealth LPN completes all paperwork for the patient.
About our cardiologists
Reid has board-certified cardiologists, with subspecialty certification in cardiovascular disease and cardiac electrophysiology, available to participate in Telecardiology, offering advanced treatment options available locally.
Reid cardiologists provide top-notch care utilizing technology, comprehensive testing, and expertise, necessary to achieve and maintain optimal heart health. Telecardiology offers very convenient access to a thorough cardiac exam by Reid cardiologists for many types of cardiac conditions, while decreasing or eliminating the burden of travel or work absences to the patient.
Contact information:
TeleCardiology: (765) 962-1337
email: Reid Health Telehealth