Superfoods guide: 5 foods to try
You only need to stroll through the aisles in your local grocery store or surf the internet to see the term “superfoods.” But what does that mean? What are superfoods and why are they special?
What makes a food “super”?
A superfood is one that is rich in specific chemical compounds that are good for your health. These compounds can include:
- Antioxidants – These substances break down free radicals chemicals that are known to play a part in Alzheimer’s disease heart problems and cancer. Free radicals may occur from pollution and smoking and even normal bodily functions. Examples of free radical-killing antioxidants include vitamins E and C some minerals and flavonoids which are naturally occurring substances found in plants.
- Fiber – Dietary fiber sometimes called roughage is made up of the parts of plants your body can’t digest. This material moves through the digestive tract relatively intact and helps prevent constipation. Fiber is also helpful in controlling cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
- Fatty acids – One particular type of fatty acid omega-3 has been shown to promote heart health and has a positive effect on a number of chronic illnesses including joint tenderness and arthritis. Omega-3 naturally occurs in fish oil nuts and vegetable oils.
Five to try
Superfoods don’t have to be exotic or extremely expensive. Many of them are normal grocery store fare and things you probably already eat—at least sometimes.
Here are five significant superfoods:
- Blueberries – Fresh blueberries contain vitamin K (essential for blood clotting) vitamin C (an antioxidant) fiber and minerals. Not only are they tasty but they also help increase heart health reduce cancer risk fight off urinary tract infections and improve brain function. And they’re low in calories.
- Salmon – This delicious fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Not only does it help reduce triglycerides in the blood chemicals that increase the risk of heart disease but it can help reduce the pain of arthritis and lessen the chance of depression. Scientists also suspect it may also help protect against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
- Green tea – Both black and green teas contain antioxidants although green tea also contains a unique chemical that’s considered to help prevent hardening of the arteries and heart disease. It also helps lower “bad cholesterol” (LDL) and raises the level of “good cholesterol” (HDL) in the blood. In places where green tea is consumed often cancer rates are lower and scientists are investigating whether it actually helps prevent the disease.
- Chocolate – Studies show that cocoa a main ingredient of chocolate helps prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce blood pressure. Cocoa is rich in minerals and antioxidants. Researchers are investigating a number of other claims that eating chocolate may also guard against cancer and stress. However making cocoa into chocolate requires quite a bit of fat and sugar so don’t go overboard!
- Kale – This deep green leafy vegetable is excellent in salads wraps and soups. Not only is kale rich in vitamins A C and K but it’s also full of fiber and antioxidants which reduce damaging free radicals in the body and promote cardiovascular health.
Of course while these foods and other types of vegetables fruits oily fish seeds and nuts all contain chemicals that are beneficial to the body it’s still important to eat a balanced diet.
Eating well can be delicious
Many tasty meal ingredients are considered superfoods and are readily available at your local supermarket. These promote heart health and offer other significant benefits. While you can take vitamins fish oil capsules and fiber supplements you’re much better off actually eating the foods that contain the substances that make them ‘super.’
When regularly incorporated into a balanced diet superfoods can improve your health and add interesting flavors and textures to your menu. Find your favorites and explore ways to prepare them.
For more information about how to add superfoods to your diet contact Reid Health today and let us help you create a healthy eating plan.