Get a Vascular Screening
A vascular screening is a three part non-invasive diagnostic screening used in the detection of stroke risk, abdominal aortic aneurysm and peripheral artery disease.
Over 700,000 Americans suffer a stroke each year. A large number of strokes can be prevented with proper diagnosis and treatment. An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening detects if the wall of the artery has become weakened and distended. A ruptured aneurysm is life threatening. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) occurs in the arteries of the circulatory system in the vessels that carry blood to the arms and legs. If the arteries become narrowed or blocked, blood cannot get through to nourish organs and other tissues, causing damage to the tissues and eventually tissue death.
Vascular Screening Questions
How will I get results?
The results will be sent to you by mail. At your request, the results will be sent to your primary care physician. If your screening results are abnormal, we will encourage you to schedule an appointment with your physician. If you do not have a physician, please contact Reid Physician Associates at (765) 935-8934.
How long will it take?
The procedure takes about 45 minutes.
How much does it cost?
You will receive all three screenings at a reduced price. Please ask for the current price when scheduling.
How do I schedule?
Richmond - Call Reid Central Scheduling to schedule an appointment: (765) 983-3358
Greenville - Call Bethel Cardiology of Greenville: (765) 983-3358
Connersville - Call Richmond Cardiology Associates: (765) 983-3358