What are advance directives? How to share your end-of-life choices
Less than 4-minute read
If you have
family members who rely on you for support in making healthcare decisions, you
may be wondering, "What will they do if I'm not there?" A better question is
"What are advance directives?" These
allow people to record their care preferences and let providers know what they
might want for their end-of-life
especially if they're diagnosed with a serious illness.
Start the process of future care planning now, so you can
rest assured that your loved ones will have their care needs met.
Why are advance directives so
Even if your loved ones are in good health, you can never predict how this might change. That's why it's always a good idea to plan ahead.
Future care planning with a loved one lets you:
- Ensure that you will honor the person's wishes. If you have written proof of your loved one's preferences, you can help them receive the care they prefer.
- Move forward
without guilt or second-guessing. Many people who help their loved ones
through the end of life feel guilty and uncertain making every choice. By
gaining a clear understanding of your loved one's preferences, you can gain
peace of mind about your decisions.
- Lay out specific guidelines for providers. When your loved one fills out advance directive documents, they can specify which procedures and types of care they would like for the healthcare facility to provide and when not to.
You should make talking to your loved ones about future care
planning a priority if you want to avoid uncertainty. Fortunately, there is more than one type of advance directive to
ensure your loved one receives their preferred end-of-life care.
Securing ideal treatment with
the living will
One of the most essential advance directives, a living will,
is a legally recognized written document your loved one completes to state the
specific care or treatment they do or do not want during a terminal illness. A
living will is used in the event that the patient becomes terminally ill and
unable to communicate for themselves.
By filling out a living will, your loved one will be able
- List out their treatment preferences
- State whether they would like to be kept on life support
- Elect whether they would like to become an organ donor
A living will does not go into effect until the patient
loses the ability to think or speak for themselves. Until then, the patient is
still in charge of their own medical decisions. Additionally, your loved one
can change their living will at any time.
The durable power of attorney
for healthcare and other advance directives
Another advance directive your loved one might want to fill
out is a durable power of attorney. By completing this document, a patient can
transfer the power to make medical decisions on their behalf and manage care to
a healthcare agent or person they trust. If you become your loved one's healthcare
agent—sometimes called a proxy, a healthcare representative, or a healthcare
power or attorney—you will be responsible for making important medical
decisions for your loved one when they no longer can.
A durable power of attorney for healthcare is not the same
as a basic and traditional power of attorney document. A traditional power of
attorney document often excludes medical decision making. To make a traditional
power of attorney document include medical decisions, the patient must have an
attorney add in a healthcare clause.
As your loved one's healthcare agent, you might:
yourself with your loved one's values. Since you will be speaking on behalf
of your loved one, you should do everything you can to make sure you understand
their preferences.
Make tough
decisions in unexpected situations. You will be responsible for making hard
calls when complications arise. If your loved one does not have a living will,
then you will have to make these decisions based on your best understanding of
your loved one's wishes.
Consent to or
refuse treatments on your loved one's behalf. You will have the right to
choose how your loved one will receive treatment.
Another common advance directive is Medical Orders for
Life-Sustaining Treatment or MOLST. This legal document, which is used in
Ohio, can help your loved one express their preferences regarding CPR
treatment. By filling out a MOLST document, they can specify whether they would
like to receive CPR in a life-threatening situation.
Your loved one might also fill out Physician Orders for
Life-Sustaining Treatment, also known as POLST. In Indiana, this form is known as Physician Orders
for Scope of Treatment, or POST. This document, only for people who are
terminally ill or very elderly, allows your loved one to document specifics
about how they would like to receive end-of-life treatment.
How can I talk to my loved ones
about advance directives?
The most important thing to remember is that future care
planning is an ongoing conversation. As your loved ones age, you should strive
to speak with them often about their medical care preferences. To help this
process run smoothly, you can:
- Remind your aging family members you love them and want what's best for them.
- Let them know their preferences will be honored if they fill out advance directives.
- Tell them they will make the entire process easier for everyone involved if they invest in future care planning.
Do you have loved ones who are aging or experiencing a
serious illness? Help them document their preferences for care with resources
from our Deciding
Together program.