Wound Care
Wound Care is provided in both the inpatient and outpatient settings with staff utilizing whirlpool or pulsatile lavage to clean and debride wounds.
Pulsatile lavage has become the treatment of choice for acute wounds because it uses sterile saline instead of water to speed the healing process. Because this form of wound care will not work for every wound, for example large wounds, whirlpool therapy is also offered at Reid.
For wounds that persist an extended period or have failed to respond to physical therapy, advanced wound healing techniques and tools are available through Reid's Wound Healing Services.
For more information on our physical therapy services, please feel free to contact us or call one of our outpatient rehab locations: Richmond (765) 983-3092; Eaton (937) 456-1195; or Connersville, (765) 827-7964.