Understand inflammation’s effect on you
Inflammation is a natural part of your body's immune response and it recently became a popular medical buzzword. It's important to learn about the body's inflammatory response so you can take steps to prevent it and know when it's time to speak with your doctor.
Can inflammation cause other conditions?
If you cut a finger bump your head or catch a cold your body launches an inflammatory response meant to protect your tissues from damage. When a cell is injured the body releases chemicals such as histamines and prostaglandins which increase the flow of blood and other fluids to the area according to Mayo Clinic.
Chronically inflamed tissues become damaged over time harming your body. There are many questions researchers need to answer regarding the relationship between this immune response and cancer. The only characterization of certain types of stomach and liver cancer is chronic inflammation and people who experience chronic inflammatory diseases do have an increased risk noted Cancer Research UK. Proactively minimizing inflammatory responses in your body is a good idea.
What are some anti-inflammatory tips?
There are a few proactive steps you can take to prevent it. BreastCancer.org reported that eating healthy and changing your diet is the best way to prevent swollen tissues. They recommended adding spices such as turmeric cinnamon and rosemary to your meals. A diet high in fiber can also improve your health.
Exercise is another important factor in minimizing a chronic inflammatory response stated Oregon State University. Physical activity helps keep joints mobile and healthy especially if you have arthritis. As a bonus exercise helps you get to or maintain a healthy weight which can also minimize inflammation.
Being proactive making small changes in your diet and exercise and learning about your body's immune system are all great steps to take control of your health. Of course if you have concerns speak with your doctor.