Reid Internal Medicine
1350 Chester Blvd
Suite B
(765) 966-2596
Monday: 8am - 5pm Tuesday: 8am - 5pm Wednesday: 8am - 5pm Thursday: 8am - 5pm Friday: 8am - 5pmServices
We see adults age 18+ only and offer same day appointments.
We can assist with:
- Wellness exams on adults
- Diagnose Illness
- Diabetes management
- Blood pressure management
- Pro-times
- Glucose level management and checks
- Quick tests for strep, Flu, Mono, RSV
- STD Testing/treatment
- Nausea
- Persistent headaches
- Abdominal pain
- Acne
- Asthma
- Back pain
- Birth control
- Bone and joint problems
- Chicken pox
- Diarrhea
- Ear wax removal
- Smoke cessation
- G.I/Flu-like symptoms
- Depression
- Thyroid problems
- Wound checks
- Pregnancy test
- Wellness
- Vaccinations (please call to inquire about available vaccinations)